Netherlands Youth Institute
A favourable youth for every child. That's the aim of the Netherlands Youth Institute. The Netherlands Youth Institute owns and shares knowledge on what works to boost and to hinder a favourable childhood.

What do we stand for?
The Netherlands Youth Institute is a national knowledge centre collecting, enriching, explaining and sharing topical knowledge. Our point of departure is to improve the lives of children, young people and their parents and other caretakers. We call attention to knowledge and assist in its implementation. That's our mission, that's what we stand for.
Relevant information
Introduction to Dutch youth policy
Introduction to Dutch youth policyThis page offers a short introduction to the organisation of the youth system in the Netherlands.
Youth Wiki
Youth WikiOn this page, you can read all about Youth Wiki, Europe's online encyclopedia with regards to youth policy.
Useful links
Useful linksThis page offers useful links to relevant information about youth policy in Europe and the Netherlands.
Contact us
Contact usJournalists can contact spokespersons of the Netherlands Youth Institute. This page offers relevant contact details.
Facts and figures
Overall, 85 percent of Dutch children and young people are doing fine. They grow up with normal development opportunities and without the need for professional support or care. 15 percent of young people and their families need guidance and support in parenting, health care or other youth services. For most of them this concerns minor upbringing issues in health, education or parenting support, which can be addressed through preventive services or basic care. Almost 5 percent of them need more specialized care.