Youth Wiki
This page offers an introduction to Youth Wiki, Europe's online encyclopedia with regards to youth policy.
The Youth Wiki is an online platform presenting information on European countries' youth policies. The main objective of the Youth Wiki is to support evidence-based European cooperation in the field of Youth. It does so by providing information on national policies in support of young people – in a user-friendly and continuously updated way.
The overall purpose is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, by providing information on reforms and initiatives. It allows the exchange of information and innovative approaches and can substantiate peer learning activities.
It gives information about the national structures on youth policy, especially concerning young people aged 15 to 25. At this moment, 32 countries are participating.
Comparative reviews
It can be used as reference and to inspire about policy issues for youth researchers and policy makers. Comparative reviews are published about:
- voluntary activities
- particpation
- social inclusion
- education and training
- employment and entrepeneurship
- youth work
Each review gives a short description about remarkable features and can be read online through five interactive maps of Europe.
What's next?
Youth Wiki will continue to provide up to date information about national youth policy in Europe in accordance with the current European Youth Strategy (2019-2027).
The Netherlands Youth Institute runs the national correspondence for Youth Wiki about the Netherlands. For more information you can contact Letty Darwish at l.darwish [at] (l[dot]darwish[at]nji[dot]nl).