Raising children in a warming climate

Offering children and adolescents a hopeful future

Research shows that climate change has a negative impact on the mental well-being of children and adolescents. In order to improve their well-being it is not enough just to inform them about what is going on and to encourage them to take action. It is crucial that they can look forward to a hopeful future. That entails the responsibility for parents and other educators to create such a future.

Words are not enough. The situation calls for sustainable behaviour of parents and other educators in childcare and school, but also in the neighbourhood, society and politics. We want to use this essay to discuss with partners how to further deepen our knowledge about adequate actions of parents and other educators. Participation of children and adolescents is essential because they can help adults develop sustainable behaviour and thus a hopeful future.

Raising children in a warming climate. Offering children and adolescents a hopeful future
Yperen, T. van
Jaar van uitgave: 
23 pages
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This essay is also available in Dutch:
Opvoeden in een opwarmend klimaat

Omslag Raising children in a warming climate